Sales Skills (or Soft Skills) online course training can help aspiring salespeople to develop and practice the skills they need to succeed and increase their confidence level. Proper sales training is important for a number of reasons. This course explores these reasons as well as assists you in developing successful selling skills and reaching sales targets.


Unit 1: Identify early buying signals and act thereupon

  • The characteristics of early buying signals are described, as applies to a specific industry.
  • The reaction to early buying signals is demonstrated according to organisational procedures in a structured scenario. 
  • The standard company sales procedures are explained in terms of obtaining a prospective buyer’s commitment. 

Unit 2: Negotiate and/or agree to the terms and conditions of the sale

  • Items requiring agreement are identified to the satisfaction of the customer and organisation. 
  • An agreement on the supply of the product/service is concluded that meets the requirement of all parties. 
  • Agreements are formalised and documented according to organisational requirements. 

Unit 3: Prepare quotations according to organisational standard policies and procedures

  • Conditions of the sale are defined in terms of company procedures and legislative framework. 
  • The commitment of, internal and external departments is formalized to meet the requirements of the quotation. 
  • A quotation is presented according to organisational, legislative and legal requirements. 

Unit 4: Handle and deal with customer objections and concerns

  • The method of clarifying and addressing concerns and objections of customers are described in terms of organisational policies. 
  • A proposal to address customer objections and concerns is formulated in terms of company policies and procedures. 
  • The procedures to deal with unresolved objections and concerns are described in terms of company policy. 

Unit 5: Describe the current state of a specific industry

  • Divisions of a specific industry are described concerning the role and contribution of each division to the industry. 
  • Industry-specific information is analysed to determine trends and availability. 
  • The purpose of specific Legislation relating to an industry division is described in terms of the objectives. 
  • The consequences of non-compliance to industry-specific legislation are described in terms of the legislation. 

Unit 6: Close the deal and obtain customer commitment

  • The Customer’s commitment to purchase is formalised and a cause of action agreed according to organisation’s policies and procedures. 
  • The ability to secure a future relationship with the customer is demonstrated in terms of company policies and procedures. 
  • The process to distribute the different documents is explained according to company procedures.


  • Duration: 1 Day
  • Delivery: Classroom


5 Day Courses: Participants will receive a SpecCon Holdings certificate upon completion of all courses.

1 Day Courses: Participants will receive a SpecCon Holdings certificate upon completion of this course.

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