This program is intended for all persons working in administration in commercial and non-commercial organisations and who is responsible for presenting information in report format in a short online course. The qualifying learner will be capable of relating the purpose, content, form, frequency and recipients of a range of reports to the information needs of a selected business. Identifying information sources and organisational procedures for obtaining and distributing information relevant to a selected business function. Compiling reports related to a selected business function, ensuring content and format are appropriate to information requirements and those reporting deadlines are met and liaising with relevant parties and verifying that reported information is in accordance with requirements and purpose of the report.


Unit 1: Relate the purpose, content, form, frequency and recipients of a range of reports

  • The regular reports are identified for a selected organisation. 
  • The information needs of the organisation are linked to the purpose of each identified report. 
  • A template is drawn up for each report in the company-specific format including the mandatory content headings. 
  • A table is created listing each report, its purpose, the regular recipients and frequency of distribution. 


Unit 2: Identify information sources & organisational procedures for obtaining & distributing information

  • A table is created listing each report and the information sources required for input to the report. The information sources are linked to specific headings within the report. 
  • A table is drawn up listing each information source, from whom it is obtainable when it is available, its level of confidentiality, and to whom it should be returned. 
  • Company procedures for obtaining information sources are identified for each information source and linked to the table above. 


Unit 3: Compile reports related to a selected business function

  • The identified reports are compiled using current information. 
  • The created templates are used to write the reports and any necessary modifications are made and noted, to ensure compliance with business requirements. 
  • The identified information sources are used to provide the information required by the organisation. 
  • The report is distributed in the required manner in time to meet the specified deadline. 


Unit 4: Liaise with relevant parties and verify that reported information is in accordance with requirements

  • A table is compiled listing each of the relevant recipients of the reports, a space for comments and an overall rating of the report in terms of whether it meets their information requirements and purpose. 
  • The form is distributed to recipients and their comments evaluated to determine usefulness of the report. 
  • Possible amendments to reports are made in line with suggestions from recipients. 


Duration: 5 Days

Delivery: Classroom/Online


5 Day Courses: Participants will receive a SpecCon Holdings certificate upon completion of all courses.

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