This online course explains how a database works and goes on to explore its components. Microsoft Access is an easy-to-use information management tool employed
to create customisable database applications. It assists with storage of information for reference, reporting and analysis. It can help manage related data more
efficiently than Microsoft Excel or other spreadsheet applications.
The course covers how to create table relationships and set primary and foreign keys, create queries and apply record groupings


Unit 1: Introduction

  • Identifying elements of the Access interface
  • Different types of databases in Access
  • Exploring database components
  • Exploring different databases
  • How to create an Access database
  • Using the Help function


Unit 2: Tables

  • Database fields, records and columns
  • Creating tables
  • Setting field properties
  • Manipulating table design
  • Manipulating table data
  • Deleting a table


Unit 3: Relationships

  • Setting primary and foreign keys
  • Creating table relationships
  • Editing relationships
  • Exploring sub data sheets


Unit 4: Queries

  • Creating select queries
  • Extending queries with criteria and running a query
  • Using calculated fields in a query
  • Applying record groupings


Unit 5: Forms

  • Using auto form wizard, creating a form manually and modifying a form


Unit 6: Reports

  • Creating an auto report, using report wizard, imitations on reports and how to print


Duration: 1 Day

Delivery: Classroom/Online


5 Day Courses: Participants will receive a SpecCon Holdings certificate upon completion of all courses.

1 Day Courses: Participants will receive a SpecCon Holdings certificate upon completion of this course.

Learn Microsoft Access Online

Here are step-by-step instructions on how to use Microsoft Access:

  • Microsoft Learn 
  • Create Tables 
  • Create a New Database 
  • Create Relationships 
  • Build Queries 
  • Design Forms 
  • Generate Reports 
  • Implement VBSA
  • Export and Import Data 
  • Backup your Database
  • Compact and Repair Database
  • Security and User Permissions 
  • Close and Save 
Learn Microsoft Access Online
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