The importance of water quality cannot be overstated, as it is essential for maintaining the health of both ecosystems and human communities. Water quality refers to the condition and safety of water, considering its chemical, physical, biological, and radiological properties.


.Unit 1: Recognise and report on common insects associated with the specific agricultural enterprise

  • Common insects and whether it is pests or predators (beneficial) is identified and described. 
  • The types of damage the insects will cause are described. 
  • The effect of the predator (beneficial) is discussed. 
  • Possible control measures or the control measure as advised is described. 

Unit 2: Recognise common symptoms of diseases

  • The symptoms of the most common diseases associated with the agricultural enterprises are described. 
  • The possible effects the disease could have on the product are described. 
  • The most common control methods that could be applied to the disease are described. 
  • The way in which the disease could be prevented is explained.

Unit 3: Identify by common name the types of weeds present in the field

  • Definition of a weed is explained. 
  • The most common weeds found in the agricultural enterprise are identified. 
  • The different methods of controlling weeds are described. 

Unit 4: Old and new damage is observed and distinguished between and reported on

  • The implications of the presence of new damage are explained. 
  • The circumstances under which new damage can be expected are explained. 

Unit 5: Notice and assist with monitoring of pests (scouting) and explaining if pest levels have not decreased after spraying or other control measures were applied

  • Pest levels that cause economic loss are explained. 
  • Findings are recorded. 
  • Hygiene measures are applied (personal, equipment, and environment.) 


Duration: 1 Day

Delivery: Classroom/Online


Water Quality

SAQA ID: 116124

NQF Level: 2

Credits: 2

Certificate Validity: 2 Years


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