The Excellent Customer Service training online course will be useful for learners who deal with the public, customers, internal and external clients, intermediaries, learners in call centres, walk-in service centres, enquiries counters and marketing and learners who communicate with customers either telephonically or face to face.


Unit 1: Explain the principles of impressive customer service in the context of a specific industry and organisation

  • Current theories of customer service are researched in order to identify trends. 
  • Case studies are analysed to identify instances of impressive customer service. 
  • Case studies are analysed to identify instances of unacceptable customer service and suggestions are made as to how each situation could be handled differently. 
  • The implications of poor customer service are explained from the point of view of the individual, the customer and the organisation. 
  • The consequences of non-compliance with an organisation’s policies and procedures in dealing with customers are explained with examples. 


Unit 2: Apply knowledge of personality styles to respond appropriately to a customer

  • Different personality styles are investigated in order to understand interpersonal behaviour. 
  • Anticipated behaviour is explained for selected personality styles and scenarios and an indication is given of how to respond appropriately in each situation. 
  • Ways of overcoming objections or obstacles are demonstrated for at least two personality styles.


Unit 3: Analyse information in order to provide customer service

  • Information that is needed to address a query is gathered and analysed to determine an appropriate response. 
  • Background, industry, organisation and product knowledge are applied to a situation to ensure a comprehensive response. 
  • The information is presented to the customer in the appropriate language, format and style. 
  • The consequences of providing inadequate or incomplete responses to queries are explained with examples. 


Unit 4: Suggest innovative solutions to respond to queries and improve customer service

  • The conventional responses to frequently asked questions are analysed and suggestions are made as to how the responses could be improved to enhance customer satisfaction. 
  • The concept of ownership in customer care is explained with reference to the benefits of ownership to the individual, customer, and organisation. 
  • An organisation’s customer service-related policies and procedures are analysed and suggestions are made for possible adjustments or improvements. 


Unit 5: Manage client relationships to retain customers

  • Reasons, why an organisation would actively attempt to retain customers, are identified for a specific organisation. 
  • The concept of customer loyalty is explained with examples. 
  • Ways in which an organisation actively attempts to retain customers are analysed for three different organisations. 
  • The cost implications of customer management are explained with examples.


Duration: 1 Day

Delivery: Classroom


5 Day Courses: Participants will receive a SpecCon Holdings certificate upon completion of all courses.

1 Day Courses: Participants will receive a SpecCon Holdings certificate upon completion of this course.

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