The purpose of “Applying the Skills of Customer Care in a Specific Work Environment” Short course online customer care, to equip participants with the knowledge and practical skills required to excel in providing exceptional customer care within their specific work contexts. This course is designed to enable individuals to understand and adapt customer service principles to their unique professional settings, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction and contributing to the overall success of their organizations.


Unit 1: Establish rapport with a prospective customer

  • Company policies and procedures appropriate to the sales are described in the context of organisational prescripts for employee’s manner and appearance. 
  • Interactions with customers are demonstrated according to company policies and procedures. 
  • Information is conveyed to a prospective customer with reference to a package that meets the needs of a specific customer. 
  • The customer’s needs are identified according to company methodology, policies and procedures. 
  • Customer needs are clarified according to company policies and procedures.


Unit 2: Match and advise a prospective customer to a product or service

  • A prospective customer’s needs are analysed in terms of products or services according to standard company policies and procedures. 
  • A presentation of matching products or services is compiled to provide feedback to a prospective customer. 
  • An explanation of associated costs is presented to a customer according to company policies and procedures. 
  • The sales interview is conducted according to company policy and procedures. 
  • Customer interest is maintained by demonstrating the ability to remain flexible and achieve the defined sales objective. 
  • Add-on products or services are demonstrated by presenting these in such a way as to increase the value of the sale.


Unit 3: Generate choices and options for a customer

  • An opportunity to fully investigate the available options is given to the customer. 
  • The features and benefits of a selected option are explained and or demonstrated in accordance with company policies and procedures. 
  • The customer’s understanding of the option is enhanced by explaining the range of products or services. 
  • A comparison between products or services is made with reference to selected options of a specific brand to similar products of a competitor. 


Unit 4: Manage client relationships to retain customers

  • Reasons why an organisation would actively attempt to retain customers are identified for a specific organisation. 
  • The concept of customer loyalty is explained with examples. 
  • Ways in which an organisation actively attempts to retain customers are analysed for three different organisations. 
  • The cost implications of customer management are explained with examples.


Duration: 5 Day

Delivery: Classroom/Online


SAQA ID: 259898

NQF Level: 4

Credits: 7

Certificate Validity: 2 Years

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