Conflict Management online course in the workplace can be a normal part of doing business. When properly managed, it can be beneficial as it fosters an environment of healthy competition.
However, conflict may also have a detrimental effect. As a manager or business owner, you need to be aware of potential sources of conflict within your work environment


Unit 1: Main sources of conflict

  • Introduction
  • Possible sources of conflict
  • Positive and negative characteristics of conflict in the workplace
  • Conflict that may arise in personality types


Unit 2: Appropriate techniques in conflict management

  • Various business conflict modes
  • Useful steps to be taken to manage conflict
  • Managing your own conflicts
  • Specific personalities and strategies on how to deal with them
  • Different stages of conflict


Unit 3: Appropriate action plan and strategies to manage conflict

  • Introduction – methods available to resolve conflict in terms of the Labour Relations Act
  • Most appropriate strategy to resolve a particular conflict
  • Action plans for conflict resolution
  • Role organisational policies and procedures play in preventing/resolving conflict


Unit 4: Attributes of an effective conflict manager

  • Personal attributes of a good conflict manager
  • Conducting a skills audit
  • Negative attributes which should be avoided or controlled by an effective conflict manager


Duration: 1 Day

Delivery: Classroom


5 Day Courses: Participants will receive a SpecCon Holdings certificate upon completion of all courses.

1 Day Courses: Participants will receive a SpecCon Holdings certificate upon completion of this course.

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