Breast Cancer Awareness


The Breast Cancer Awareness course serves the purpose of educating individuals about breast cancer, its detection, prevention, and overall awareness. Participants in the course learn about the signs and symptoms of breast cancer, the importance of regular screenings, and various preventive measures. The goal is to raise awareness about the prevalence of breast cancer, promote early detection, and empower individuals to take proactive steps for their breast health


Unit 1: Introduction to Breast Cancer Awareness

  • The History of Breast Cancer Awareness
  • The Impact and Significance of Breast Cancer Awareness

Unit 2: Understanding Breast Cancer

  • Definition and Types of Breast Cancer
  • Risk Factors and Genetic Disposition
  • Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and Its Risks

Unit 3: Breast Cancer Awareness and Early Detection

  • The Importance of Early Detection and Breast Examination
  • Signs and Symptoms
  • Clinical Breast Examination
  • Mammography and Its Benefits
  • Genetic Testing and Counselling 
  • Prevention Strategies

Unit 4: Diagnosis and Treatment Options

  • Stages and Grading of Breast Cancer
  • Treatment Modalities

Unit 5: Dealing with Breast Cancer

  • The Psychological Effects
  • Recovery and Remission


Duration: 1 Day

Delivery: Classroom/Online


5 Day Courses: Participants will receive a SpecCon Holdings certificate upon completion of all courses.

1 Day Courses: Participants will receive a SpecCon Holdings certificate upon completion of this course.

© SpecCon Holdings, 2023

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