The purpose of a Value Added Tax (VAT) course is to provide individuals with a comprehensive understanding of how Value Added Tax works within a specific jurisdiction or country. This course aims to educate participants about the principles, regulations, and procedures related to VAT. It covers topics such as VAT calculations, registration, reporting, compliance, and its impact on businesses and consumers. Overall, the course aims to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the complexities of VAT and ensure accurate implementation within their professional roles or business operations.

Unit 1: Introduction to VAT

  • Introduction to VAT
  • Basic VAT Concept and Terminology
  • VAT Act and Regulations


Unit 2: VAT Registration 

  • Who needs to Register for VAT
  • How to Register for VAT
  • Voluntary Registration and Deregistration


Unit 3: VAT Records

  • Record-keeping Requirements
  • Invoicing Rules and Requirements
  • Filing VAT Returns and Payment of VAT
  • Electronic Filing and Payment


Unit 4: VAT Rates and Exemptions

  • Standard VAT Rate and Zero-rated Supplies
  • Exempt Supplies
  • Special VAT Rules for Certain Goods and Services


Unit 5: Input Tax and Output Tax

  • Input Tax and Output Tax
  • How to Claim Input Tax Credits
  • Adjustments to Input Tax and Output Tax


Unit 6: VAT Audits and Assessments

  • The VAT Audit Process
  • Common Issues in VAT Audits
  • How to Deal with VAT Assessments
  • VAT Dispute Resolution Process


Unit 7: VAT and E-commerce

  • VAT Rules for Online Sales
  • Cross-border E-commerce and VAT
  • VAT on Digital Services


Unit 8: VAT and Specific Industries

  • Special VAT Rules for Industries such as Agriculture, Mining Services
  •  VAT Implications for Real Estate Transactions


Unit 9: VAT and Compliance

  • Common Errors in VAT Compliance
  • Penalties for Non-compliance
  • Best Practices for VAT Compliance
  • SARS Voluntary Disclosure Program


Unit 10: Recent Developments in South Africa

  • Changes in VAT Legislation
  • Court Cases Related to VAT
  • SARS Updates and Guidance on VAT


Unit 11: VAT Period

  • VAT Periods
  • VAT Dispute Resolution Process

Duration: 1 Day

Delivery: Classroom/Online

5 Day Courses: Participants will receive a SpecCon Holdings certificate upon completion of all courses.

1 Day Courses: Participants will receive a SpecCon Holdings certificate upon completion of this course.


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