The Produce a business plan Learners completing this online course will be working within an SMME (Small, Medium, Micro Enterprise) environment, specialising in New Venture Ownership and Management. This course will also add value to entrepreneurs who are seeking to develop their entrepreneurial skills so that they can become more marketable for bigger contracts, including commercial and public sector contracts, for example, the Department of Public Works programmes.


Unit 1: Identify and demonstrate understanding of the elements of a business plan

  • Legal business types for new ventures are identified and explained with examples. 
  • Legal registrations and any legislative compliance concerning the new ventures are explained and included in the business plan. 
  • A business plan is explained in terms of business, financial, marketing and operations plans. 
  • The codes of ethics about a business plan are identified and explained with examples. 
  • The business plan for a management tool for a new venture is explained with examples. 
  • The business plan to fund a new venture is explained with examples. 


Unit 2: Compile an organisation structure for one’s own business to determine how a business plan can best be integrated

  • A business organogram is drawn up for own business. 
  • The broad functions required to effectively complete business activities are described according to overall business goals. 
  • Lines of authority and responsibility are designated concerning organograms. 
  • Any relevant human resources needs are determined accordingly. 


Unit 3: Identify resources and information required to complete your business plan

  • Coaches/mentors are identified to assist in compiling business plans (where relevant).
  • Information on the resources needed and procedures to be followed to achieve the plan is compiled to effectively execute the business plan. 
  • The type of business ownership is decided upon and registration is completed accordingly. 
  • The industry-specific and legal requirements for own venture are identified and explained in terms of how they will affect the venture. 
  • All relevant information is gathered for the completion of the business plan.


Unit 4: Compile business plan

  • The structure and layout of the business plan are designed to be compatible with the nature of own venture. 
  • Business and operational goals are identified and procedures for the effective implementation thereof are outlined in the business plan. 
  • Marketing plans are included in the business plan. 
  • Financial and cash flow plans are included in the business plan. 
  • An outline of how the business will operate and achieve marketing and financial objectives are included in the business plan. 
  • A vision statement that represents the goals and objectives of the new venture is outlined and integrated into overall business activities.


  • Duration: 1 Day
  • Delivery: Classroom


5 Day Courses: Participants will receive a SpecCon Holdings certificate upon completion of all courses.

1 Day Courses: Participants will receive a SpecCon Holdings certificate upon completion of this course.

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