Business Ethics: Building a Foundation for Ethical Decision-Making in the Corporate World using our online course dive into the realm of business ethics to understand how ethical principles shape responsible business practices, fostering trust, sustainability, and long-term success within the corporate landscape.


Unit 1: Explain how the Batho Pele principles apply to own work roles

  • How to apply the principles of ethics to improve organisational culture
  • Relationship between personal values, ethics and organisational culture
  • Relationship between ethics and organisational culture
  • Types of cultures and how they influence ethics and values
  • Conflicts between personal values and organisational values and ethics
  • Illustrations of conflicts
  • Impact of organisational values and culture on organisations
  • Role of organisational values and culture on triple bottom line

Unit 2: Understanding ethics, values and culture

  • Importance of ethics in South Africa
  • Batho Pele principles
  • The King report
  • Corporate governance and ethics
  • Role of corporate governance
  • Benefits of corporate governance
  • Ethics of corporate governance
  • Ethical practices in a unit

Unit 3: Principles of corporate ethics

  • Principles of corporate ethics
  • Assessing individual and organisational conduct, values and ethics
  • Conducting a survey to collect information on organisational values, codes of conduct and ethics
  • How do you prepare a survey
  • Sampling
  • Interviews and phone surveys
  • Evaluating the current state against desired state with respect to values, ethics and code of conduct
  • Elements of a SWOT analysis
  • Setting goals and objectives

Unit 4: Recommendations for strengthening organisational values, code of conduct and ethics

  • Developing an implementation plan to strengthen organisational values, ethics and code of conduct
  • Roles and responsibilities of a manager in strengthening ethics, code and values
  • Promoting the values, code and ethics
  • Elements of a communication plan
  • Monitoring and evaluating improvements in values, code and ethics


Duration: 1 Day

Delivery: 2 Days


5 Day Courses: Participants will receive a SpecCon Holdings certificate upon completion of all courses.

1 Day Courses: Participants will receive a SpecCon Holdings certificate upon completion of this course.

Business Ethics Principles

Here are some key business ethics principles:

  • Integrity 
  • Respect for Stakeholders 
  • Fairness
  • Transparency 
  • Accountability
  • Lawfulness
  • Environmental Responsibility
  • Social Responsibility
  • Corporate Citizenship 
  • Customer Focus 
  • Employee Well-being 
  • Confidentiality 
  •  Conflict of Interest Avoidance
  • Long-Term Perspective 
Business Ethics Principles
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