A public speaking online course is designed to equip participants with the essential skills and techniques needed to become confident and effective public speakers. This specialized training program helps individuals develop effective communication skills for delivering speeches and presentations in public settings. The course aims to enhance public speaking abilities, boost confidence, and improve overall communication effectiveness.


Unit 1: What is public speaking ?

  • Informative Speaking
  • Persuasive Speaking
  • Speeches to Inspire Action 
  • Speaking on Special Occasions 


Unit 2 : Stage Fright

  • The Fear of Public Speaking 
  •  Communication Apprehension (CA) Explained 
  • How to Mange Public Speaking Anxiety


Unit 3: Preparing Your Presentation

  • Before the Speech preparation 
  • Select Your Material
  • Highlighting text
  • Contruct an Outline 
  • Write Your Draft 
  • Preparing Your Visuals 
  • Revise Your Speech 
  • Tie Loose Ends Together 
  • Practice 


Unit 4: Presenting Your

  • Delivering Your Speech: Methods of Delivery
  • Delivery Your Speech: Vocal Aspects of Delivery
  • Delivery Your Speech: Nonverbal Aspects of Delivery 
  • Delivery Your Speech: Mastering the Room
  • Determining the disciplinary route 
  • Rules of evidence 
  • Admissible evidence 
  • Inadmissible evidence
  • Other examples of inadmissible evidence 
  • Primary vs supporting evidence 
  • Formulating changes


Unit 5: Conducting the disciplinary action 

  • Arranging a chairperson 
  • The issue of representation 
  • Preparing witnesses
  • Onus of Proof
  • The disciplinary hearing procedure
  • Mitigating and aggravating statements 
  • Appeal hearing 
  • Role of initiator in appeals 
  • Working of appeal procedure 
  • Role play 


Unit 6: Managing poor work performance 

  •  Introduction 
  • Differentiating between probation and employees  that perform poorly 
  • Substantive and procedural fairness 
  • Informal and formal process 
  • A practical guide for dealing with poor work performance 
  • Incapacity as a reason for poor work performance 
  • Step 1: Fact gathering process
  • Step 2: Performance investigation 
  • Step 3: Performance consultation 
  • Step 4: Progress Meetings
  • Step 5: Final performance review

Duration: 1 Day

Delivery: Classroom

5 Day Courses: Participants will receive a SpecCon Holdings certificate upon completion of all courses.

1 Day Courses: Participants will receive a SpecCon Holdings


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