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Module 1: Mathematical Literacy
- Working with numbers in various contexts
- Officially analyse how mathematics is used in social, political, and economic relations
- Collect, analyse, use and communicate numerical data
- Demonstrate an understanding and use of the numbering system
- Describe and represent objects and the environment in terms of shape, space, and time
- Analyse cultural products as representations of shape, space, and time
Module 2: Communication
- Use maps to access and communicate information concerning routes, locations and directions
- Engage in a range of speaking and listening interactions for a variety of purposes
- Read and respond to a range of text types
- Write for a variety of different purposes
- Explore and use a variety of strategies to learn (revised)
Module 3: Agricultural Business
- Apply basic agricultural enterprise selection principles
- Identify the need for capital and understand the need for the recording of income and different costs in an agri-business
- Apply basic human resource management principles and practices applicable in an agricultural environment
- Handle inputs and stock in agri-business
- Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of marketing
- Define production and understand the basic activities of production and conversion in the agri-business environment
Module 4: General Agricultural Practices
- Collect agricultural data
- Apply basic food safety practices
- Maintain basic water quality
- Select, use and care for hand tools, basic equipment and infrastructure
- Operate and maintain irrigation systems
Module 5: Plant Production
- Demonstrate a basic understanding of the structure and function of a plant in relation to its environment
- Plant the crop under supervision
- Harvest agricultural crops
- Recognise pests, diseases, and weeds on crops
- Propagate plants
- Fertilise the soil and attend to basic plant nutrition
Module 6: Animal Production
- Natural Resource Management
Module 7: Agricultural Business
- Demonstrate an understanding of the basic concepts of sustainable farming systems
- Understand how sustainable farming systems conserve natural resources
- Apply elementary farm layout and infrastructure
- Demonstrate an understanding of agricultural / ecotourism as a system at the micro-level
- Identify and explain permaculture principles